For Employers

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post a job?

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world and across all skills.

Hire Suitable Candidates | Get Top Best Shortlists

Shorten your recruitment turn-around time and keep your vision alive. Our Human Resource Experts will assist in searching and giving you the best candidates for advertised role.

What to Expect when you post your jobs with BestLinks

Quality Candidates

Get great and top best candidates interested in your opening.

Turn-around Time

Spend the shortest time in replacing a vacant position with our shortlists.

Technology Connections

We laverage on social media platforms to bring you best tragets.

Excellent Delivery

We give you great value for your time and money. We value Trust.

Simple, transparent pricing

Our simple, per-job pricing scales with you.

Basic Job Post

Ksh.2,000 3months
  • 1 job posting
  • Receive candidates via email
  • Receive Candidates via your site
  • Your job is active for up to 60 days

Best Match

Ksh.6,600 21Days
  • Get at least 6 BEST CVs per role
  • Budget matching candidates
  • Get candidate summary report for decision making
  • Geographic targeted Candidates
  • Short turnaround Hiring time
  • Get a second round of CVs on request on failure to get candidate
  • We screen CVs to determine suitability by matching them against the list earlier created
  • Support in Hiring

Boosted Job

Ksh.3,100 4months
  • 1 job posting
  • 1 featured job
  • Your job is up for up to 90 days
  • Get Applications via email or website
  • Get help in crafting Job Description
  • 1 job featured on our site and social media platforms
  • Get candidates based on geographic location
  • Get suggested top CVs
  • Get assistance in crafting Job Description

Executive Shortlist

Ksh.12,500 21Days
  • Top 5 Best Interviewed Candidates per role
  • Pre-Screened Culture-fit Candidates
  • Pre-Interviewed Candidates
  • Candidate summary report for decision making
  • Interview support for hiring decision
  • Short turn-around time to hiring
  • From Entry to Senior Level
  • Pricing adjusted based on job level
  • 3 months support & Candidate follow-up
  • Replacement of shortlists in request
Advertise you Job

Post Your Job Advert Here

Please provide us with your details in the form below and our client service manager will get in touch. We guarantee an immediate response. You can also reach us by calling +254723566128

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Your Email*

    Phone Number*


    How did you get to know about us?*


    Enter your Organisation's Name here*.

    What is your Title/Role in the organisation?*

    Title of the Position you want to advertise*

    What is the Level of advertised Position?*

    Gross Salary Range*


    Which service will you like to get?*


    How many candidates will you like to hire on advertised position?*

    For how long should your Job advert Last? A minimum of 7 Days is preferred


    How will you like to receive Applicants*?


    Do you have a Job Description? If you don't have, we will craft one for you*.


    Pleas Upload your Job Description here. We prefer Word or PDF formats.

    Please paste the link(from your Website) to your Job Description here.

    Enter the Email address to receive Applications (If you chose Email)

    WhatsApp Number to receive Applicants (If you chose WhatsApp to Apply)

    Phone Number to receive Calls(If you chose Call to Apply)

    Do you have any extra information or inquiries on your advert?(Optional)

    How do you Make Payments?

    1. As a company policy, clients are required to make the payment in full when placing the order for Basic Job Posts, Boosted Job and BEST Match CV shortlist.
    2. We guarantee you a FULL REFUND if we, for any reason, fail to meet our obligation, or if the delivery takes longer than you could allow.
    3. For Executive Shortlist, We require Post Payment of service upon getting successful candidate from the pool. We guarantee additional shortlist could the first round fail to meet your Expectations.
    4. Payments are made through the following platforms:



    Account Number: 7557714


    Account Number: 1314049399

    Account Name: BESTLINKS HUB

    Branch: CHANGAMWE


    Could you have any other payment mode different from the above listed above, Please contact us via Call/WhatsApp: +254723566128 or Email

    Featured Companies

    Madison Group

    Conditions for a green tick:

    • Website has been verified
    • Phone has been verified
    • Location has been verified
    Madison Group Limited is a locally owned financial…
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    Farm Africa

    Conditions for a green tick:

    • Website has been verified
    • Phone has been verified
    • Location has been verified
    We help farmers to increase their harvests, build…
    View jobs

    Having a problem posting your job?

    Contact our support team through Call/WhatsApp +254723566128 or email Our recruitment team will reach out for assistance.

    Anything Unclear? Message us!


      Be the Bos!

      Our team will Will work round the clock to provide you with best Candidates.


      Why Choose to advertise with BestLinks?

      • Affordable Prices: Our charges are tailormade to suit your needs on job posting. All Job levels are catered for, starting from entry to senior levels. Drop us a line for further clarifications on pricing.
      • Turn-around Time: Our team of experts believe in quick replacement or hiring of a new position within the shortest time possible. As a team, They will work to produce results suiting your needs quickly.
      • 5-star service: We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. This means we’ll keep going until you’re completely satisfied with your order. You are provided with a replacement within probation period to match your needs.
      • Pre-Screened and Pre-Interviewed Candidates: Making a choice of Executive Shortlist makes you have clear cut candidates that best suits your need. In one role, you get top 5 BEST candidates.  The charges vary from one job level to the other.
      • Job Description: Could you not be having a job description, our group of Human Resource experts will craft for you one, before putting your job online.

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